Forgotten Folk

Forgotten Folk
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Wednesday, July 6, 2011


What sounds like modern urban warfare resounds throughout the city. A smell to rival the napalm of Vietnam fills the air as a large ring of dirty white smoke blankets the sky just above the trees. As I drive I jerk from my seat each time I hear an explosion go off near by. Lights flash in the sky blinding me as I attempt to navigate through all the madness going on in the streets. People parade down the middle of the street screaming wildly as others pass by in their cars just as loud. Little children handle small explosives as adults cheer them on while coddling their favorite brand of beer. Police patrol in caravans prepared for any disturbance or improvised riot. Yep its that time of year again, the 4th of July. The time of year when everyone in this country is celebrating the independence of this Great nation; everyone it seems except me. You see I am a black man, you may say African-American, Negro, Nigga what ever name is used by what ever people to describe those of us who are descendents of slaves in America. It is because of this particular distinction that I find it impossible to celebrate this very American Holiday (Holy Day). You see its very simple for me. The 4th of July celebrates the Independence of the United States from English control and economic servitude through taxation, all the while benefiting from a rule of law that made my ancestors not only servants but chattel slaves (property; non-human beings). In addition to this it is imperative to state the fact that America herself was established on principles of murder and conquest in its interaction with the Native Peoples of America who at the time of the Declaration of Independence were being pushed to the brink of extinction by the government of the United States. There will be those who make the argument that these events happened long ago, but to suggest that it has nothing to do with the celebration itself is to accept a level of ignorance, from yourself, even when you are not only faced with the facts but inherently now them for yourself. The 4th of July celebrates both practically and symbolically the birth of a nation, that has at its foundation policies of exploitation and dehumanization. It makes me wonder on the day of the original 4th of July celebration did my ancestors , celebrate with fireworks and barbeques like we do today? Did they dance a jig or did they get the day off from their daily labor of picking cash crops, to go downtown with their favorite girl to watch the county fireworks display? Now let me be blunt, when it comes to white folks I completely understand (America of course is a white society) but for black folks I remain totally confused and in awe. What the hell are We celebrating and why? Will we recite the entire preamble to the constitution as our answer? No. We will undoubtedly sum it up to the fact we have the day off from work and we get to spend time with our families. In both regards,” I am feeling that“, oh and don’t forget the food. We know we can cook and eat. I like some good barbeque myself. But is that it? Is this the reason we drop millions of dollars annually on fireworks, food and liquor almost blowing ourselves up with explosives that should be handled only by demolition experts. It seems that we don’t really know what the 4th is about or perhaps we choose to ignore the implications inherent in the celebration itself. I think it’s a little mixture of both. And if this is true then we need to just stop it……Peace & Love

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